Sunday, January 11, 2009

How to work out without realizing it

Pull your kid around on a sled until you can't move anymore. That's more of a work out than I have had in awhile. We found an old (obviously, remember where I live) rusty sled in the shed out back and found that even after all this time M could still ride it while I pulled her up and down the snowy hill.

I realized how different I feel when I am outdoors or when we stayed at the hotel. When i woke up in the morning at the hotel I could jump right out of bed and without even having coffee still feel all right. Here in the basement I can't even get going without the benefit of almost a full pot of coffee. Makes me wonder seriously if there is something going on with the air in here. I wake up sleepy and groggy and continue to feel the same throughout the day but if I go outside I feel fine again. I had a dream last night that we moved out and lived in a nice apartment somewhere, as is usual with a dream it was sort of a combination of here and Japan but it was a nice place lol.

I have been invited to the movies next weekend. T says he doesn't mind watching M. The last time I went to the movies was to see "The Chronicles of Narnia" with L. That movie came out in 2005 so that means I haven't been to the movies in 3 years!!!

The mom made snarky comments about how late we all sleep so I did a snaparoo and yelled "how the hell do you expect any of us to wake up when I live in lightless basement. It's the same light when I go to bed as when I wake up. Even though you have a perfectly good REAL house sitting there empty" She didn't reply and I stormed off back into my rat hole. Honestly, do they really think this is a good environment for a 3 year old? living in a dark hole in the ground. It brings me to tears knowing they have a beautiful sunny perfect house with a fenced in yard sitting there empty...let me swear here &&'#&)('')')')')(')')'###"#$$R
Once again repeat "it's free, it's heated" rinse repeat

She asked me to go check on our neighbor's boyfriend who has some disease tomorrow at 1 pm. She told the neighbor that she would be able to do it but she is busy so she pawned it off on me. What do I do? Knock on the door and say "Hey are you alive?" I don't mind helping people out but if my mother made a commitment she should keep it or should have known in advance she couldn't. she has a doctor's appointment, wouldn't she have known that? This is the neighbor she holds up to me all the time as someone to emulate, aspire to. I am in such an angry bitter mood this week I haven't done much emailing or talking to people because I realize when my anger turns into a dark stain it is likely to spread towards other people without me even being aware of it. I hate that they make me feel like this.

Now that they gave us this ultimatum, I am waiting for them to throw us out. I am frustrated by T's lack of initiative in this. He hasn't bothered to call his sponsors and see how they are doing on the paperwork. See what I mean about my extreme anger? It's going everywhere. zip zap target sighted pow. If we get thrown out we have no where to go and this doesn't seem to be worrying him. All he says is sentences that start with "Just say to them..." why do I have to fight my parents all the time? I could use some support here. An evil part of me thinks that if he did get deported I could get health insurance for M and state assistance but that's not really the answer it's my frustration channeling the wrong way. I think alot of bad things when I am stressed out. He doesn't realize that they would throw us out, or my mouth would get us thrown out because it's got a mind of it's own sometimes.

I am back to looking for a job now that we borrowed some money we got a used car..really used! 94 Rodeo with 175,000 miles on it but it goes from point A to point B with little work that needs to be done but I thought we should we should save the money in case we get thrown out or have to move back to Japan. The only reason I would be nervous of Japan is if he decided to divorce me for any sort of reason he would automatically get custody of M. They rarely give the child to the mother. Not that it would happen but it bears considering. The worst part of this past year is I simply don't know what to do. How do I know what choices to make? How will I pay back all this money I have borrowed? If I didn't have a child this would have been so much easier. My first duty is always to make sure she is ok so I have to do what I think is best for her. How do I know what I choose is the right way? Can you feel some of what the whirlpool in my mind is like right now? It's hard to think straight. I better stop now and read or something before my head explodes.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Other Shoe Dropped

As I was afraid it would. Waiting out my parents silence wondering when the other shoe would drop.

Started out stressful as I didn't sleep all night for insomnia reasons, then my mom started in on me about T. Apparently out of nowhere she can talk to me again. She asked me if there was something "wrong" with him and other assorted remarks.

Then came the dreaded "We need to talk" She asked me to come upstairs and sit down at the kitchen table. She then said that my parents need to know what is going on with T and what his plans are because if something doesn't change soon they will not "support" us anymore. Meaning they want a progress report every week on what we are doing. If not, she warned, you need start looking at other options. They are tired of him being illegal and me and M not having insurance she said. His illegal status reflects on them and if he gets in any kind of trouble they don't want to be in trouble too. In a Benedict Arnold sort of way, I wish T would do more to get us out of here too. I don't know what I want him to do specifically. It's probably the mom voice serpent in my head.

I am tired, Off to bed..perchance to dream

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mouse Wars Ended Badly

Have been rather depressed about it all day. T remembered he had reset the have a heart trap in the Utility room but had forgotten to check on it the past few days. Sure enough, little one was in there dead as a doornail. I should have took him out and released him when I originally caught him. I feel like such a jerk. Poor thing. It would have been kinder to let him take his chances with the elements. I was down all day long.

I have so many things I need to do but I didn't get anything done today. M and I pretended to go on a rocketship to space. that was the most excitement I had all day. She keeps asking me when we are moving back to the Hotel. lol. Parents haven't spoken to us in two days so can't even report arguments with them or any kind of contact. Having terribly bizarre dreams since we have been back. For instance, I dreamed M was blind last night. The air in here is definitely getting to me.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Dingo's Ate My Baby

How did it end up that T and I would spend most of the day discussing the "Azeria Chamberlain" Case?

So gruesome and depressing. It started because I argued with some people on a forum that using the phrase "A Dingo Ate My Baby" is NOT funny. Why people would think it's funny if you know the story behind the saying I have no idea. I spent some time researching every article and report I could find. Seems to be that Lindy Chamberlain had nothing to do with it but her husband comes off as sort of a whack job.

Our biggest question is "why would you go camping with a 9 week old baby in the first place"?

Today was pretty boring, guess that's why we ended up in such a strange, long debate while M took a nap. The rents are pretty much ignoring us. We have been relegated to personas non grata. My mother hasn't spoken to us since Saturday night. She put mail on the stairs a moment ago and I tried to talk but she simply closed the door again. Seems like my father has retired, he is here all the time. It's rather creepy. This house is creepy. I started my diet today, so far so good. I made it a whole few hours lol. I am tired though but that on par for basement dwelling.

Reasons living here is becoming unbearable

no oven, mice, two rooms, mold, no space, no light, unfriendly people upstairs, no phone calls, no freedoms, sewage smell,

Could be worse, my baby is safe and sound and that is the most important. I would live here for a million years rather than go through was Mrs. Chamberlain did. Yeah, I know..weird topic but it's a weird life over here.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year

We had an amazing New Year, all compliments of some friends of ours who sent us a dream getaway for a couple days. Not only did this trip revive our flagging spirits it also made me realize that the basement IS the reason why I feel so bad and groggy. The time we were gone I woke up at a normal time, I had energy and I felt fine. One day back and already I can't wake up and I feel terrible. When we arrived at grandma's house (I never refer to it as "home") yesterday we found that my mom had been down here quite a bit and that the whole place now reeks of sewage. She said she didn't know why it smelled so bad. The mouse problem is worse, they are even in our suitcases stored in the utility room. Once here, my parents didn't even acknowledge that we were back. They didn't speak to us at all until today and actually my father has yet to speak to me. My mom, however, was back on her complainey trip. She called us on our last day at the hotel and told us we needed to tell her what time we were coming back so she could leave the basement door open. No, we do not have a key to this house. We are at the mercy of the people upstairs. If they want to lock us out, they can at will. She left the basement door open which is kind considering that made me have to slog through the snow from the shoveled front yard to the unshoveled back yard. They have a snow blower but we aren't allowed to touch it.

We noted on our trip that the house my parents own that we begged them to live in is now bearing a "For Rent By Owner" sign. Nice of them to offer it to us after I spent so much time trying to convince them to let us live there. They had lied and told me that the tenant hadn't left yet. Oh, looks like he left.

My mom yelled at me today that I spend all my time on my computer instead of watching my child. She says the computer is more important than my own daughter. I could say that everything is more important to my mom than her own daughter. She left us mouse poison to kill the mouse. I am torn on this.

Being away from here was a dream, I needed that to help keep my sanity intact. It was such a treat to see M laughing and having fun. She has such a love for people and sunshine, it kills me to have her stuck in this smelly, unhealthy basement. We had such a beautiful time together that at one point on the trip, T actually said that maybe if we got financially sound again he would want another child. Utterly impossible but it was nice to hear him say that. We have been at odds so much lately I was afraid the romance was gone.

For resolutions this year I am really going to try to lose weight and get in some kind of shape other than "round"

I am going to spend more time teaching and playing with M rather than yelling at her

Love T as much as possible and not blame everything on him.

Get us out of this pit of hell.

Keep my spirits up. We can do it. or as Obama says "Yes We Can"

2009 started off the right way. 2009 is our year!

*edit* I forgot to mention we are starting off the New Year with no oven as it broke and the rents don't want to fix it. Microwave popcorn for everybody!