Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Other Shoe Dropped

As I was afraid it would. Waiting out my parents silence wondering when the other shoe would drop.

Started out stressful as I didn't sleep all night for insomnia reasons, then my mom started in on me about T. Apparently out of nowhere she can talk to me again. She asked me if there was something "wrong" with him and other assorted remarks.

Then came the dreaded "We need to talk" She asked me to come upstairs and sit down at the kitchen table. She then said that my parents need to know what is going on with T and what his plans are because if something doesn't change soon they will not "support" us anymore. Meaning they want a progress report every week on what we are doing. If not, she warned, you need start looking at other options. They are tired of him being illegal and me and M not having insurance she said. His illegal status reflects on them and if he gets in any kind of trouble they don't want to be in trouble too. In a Benedict Arnold sort of way, I wish T would do more to get us out of here too. I don't know what I want him to do specifically. It's probably the mom voice serpent in my head.

I am tired, Off to bed..perchance to dream

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