Saturday, November 15, 2008

Movie: Let The Right One In

Låt den rätte komma in (2008)

A Swedish vampire movie. How often do we see one of those?_?

I watched this film tonight as the buzz is the director of "Cloverfield" would be doing a remake and I wanted to see the original before the American version spoils it for me. What a haunting and melancholy movie. I LOVED it. It's the story of a young lonely boy, Oskar, who is bullied at school alot and he has fantasies of being tough and standing up to them. He makes a friend in the enigmatic Eli. She is a vampire. The characters are well done and sympathic, the acting is wonderful. There is some gore and blood but not overly so and it fits the storyline. Overall, the film is dark, sad and bursting with haunting imagery. Completely fit my mood. I have never really gotten the whole "vampire craze" and I never found them to be sympathetic figures. For the first time, I found a glimpse of what intrigues people so much.

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