Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I Dream Of General Mills

Ayuda me, por favor! I am sick of mac n cheese and the legendary food of poor people everywhere, Ramen. My mom gave us bananas today and I had to say sarcastically "ya, that's exactly what we need" Now I have bananas and spoiled milk. Our milk expired on Nov 23rd. I try to ration it so much it actually went bad. That plan didn't work. We have a couple bags of onions, what can you make out of onions? I better do some research over at allrecipes.com.

I went up early to try and score a stamp from mom but she wasn't here. For once she didn't wake us up with the knock knock door and it was the one day I needed her. M and I went outside for awhile until I got bored. I knew Mom would interrogate me as to whether we were outside or not and of course she did when she got home. My part time job possibility did not call me today either so I guess that's it. M spent a large chunk of the day continually asking me when we were going home. Christmas will really stink for her. I might be able to get her a gift with the points from using my visa card. I am definitely toooooo Emo today to get anything constructive written so I might as well sign off.

edit* later during the evening, M helped me make a music playlist for the blog and we had a "Dance Off" it was SUPER fun. She won. Kid's got some major moves.

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