Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mouse Wars

As most of you know, the mouse escaped two nights ago by chewing his way through the plastic top of the aquarium. He did that in one night! Now he is loose in the kitchen again. We have been engaged in a battle of wits the past few nights and he is clearly beating me. He hasn't been lured in by the have a heart traps I have left out. He even went so far to insult me by chewing on the outside of one. Some how he is even eating the food inside the traps without setting the traps off themselves. How is that even possible?

T has been suggesting that mice are significantly smarter than we realize. Tonight however he crossed over the line of reality and into "Evil Mouse Genius" territory. Baffled as I am that the mouse can eat the food out of the trap without being trapped, T solved the whole puzzle. "One mouse holds the door open while he goes in and grabs the food" he hypothesizes.

"I told you to kill him" he adds. There it is, the "I told you so" M blabber mouth told my mom about the mouse. "What if we get that mouse poo disease, the hanta virus thing?" I complained to her. "We have had mice in our houses for YEARS" she replied "You haven't been killed by that virus so far, I doubt you will now"

What? Years? Hunh????

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